Friday, March 6, 2009

Just some fun shots of your cuties!

Kate's Birthday Party...

arts' n crafts time

Friday, November 21, 2008

My little Thanksgiving "turkeys"!!!

We had a great last day before Thanksgiving break, finishing up our " I'm thankful books" and having a little Thanksgiving lunch of turkey and cheese luncheables. They were all very cute sitting at the table in their turkey hats and posing for some fun pictures. As you can see, some of them like posing a little more than the others... HAVE A HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Our little "Pilgrims" hard at work...

I'll post more pictures and write more later, but for now just know that they had soooo much fun building their new house in America. We've been learning about the Pilgrims so they were pretending to be them and had a great time doing it. It's amazing how creative these little guys are!!!

Two wild banchees!

Tanner and Will have been having soooo much fun being the big boys at school. It has really helped them in their male bonding, which I see a lot of these days and which I captured a lot of on film today. (They are so cute together! It's a huge blessing for me, really an answer to prayer, to see Will come so far socially in just this short amount of time. -Thanks Lizzie for sticking around! (no pressure, we'll enjoy him while we can).

Our two future models...

Not that all of our children couldn't be models, of course, these little guys just happen to look like they're ready for the magazines in these pictures.

How cute are these little guys!!!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Two sleeping beauties and one confused prince!

Ok so, to explain... Sophia and Jaiden were playing "Sleeping Beauty" which I guess doesn't really work when you're both being the princess so Sophia conceded and decided to try to wake Jaiden with a "true loves kiss" but to Sophia's dismay (I didn't get a picture of that), but I'm sure not their parents, they are not true loves, so Sophia told Will (I pinky promise) to do it and he looked at me for permission (go figure) and then did it, twice when it didn't work the first time. I could not believe what I was watching, let alone that I had a camera in hand at that very moment. What are the odds! It will go down as one of the cutest exchanges I have ever witnessed, ever! Oh, I almost forgot. Sophia must have thought that Will looked like a good smoocher, because as soon as Jaiden hopped up she laid down for her turn. Score 2 for Will, and 1 for me for a super cute photo story!

Friday, November 7, 2008


This is Kate, the newest addition to our preschool. She has jumped right in and made herself "at home" with the other kids. She was super cute saying cheese and posing for pictures. She's quite the natural in front of the camera!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

We were so lucky to have one of the dad's come to share with us about being a Police Officer during our "Community Helper's" month. The kids were so excited climbing all over the squad car, seeing the lights, and hearing the siren. He even opened his trunk and showed them all of the equipment and told them what he uses it for. They were so cute as they stood there soooo interested!

Here are several pictures of the kids doing a little "scavenger hunt" or more like a treasure hunt, I guess.

Happy Halloween! They had so much fun gathering all the toys and candy and putting it in the bags they had decorated earlier for arts n'crafts. It was so much fun seeing them "perform" for their mommies during circle time. We sang several of the Halloween songs we had been learning all month and did a couple of the pumpkin rhymes too. It was a ton of fun to be a part of! All month I've called them "my little pumpkins" and they do feel like my sweet little guys. Thanks for sharing them with me!

Here are some fun ones of them painting in the preschool room. They love to paint and almost go into this calm, zen-like state which is not a common state at any time in my house so I really want to do it more. I have to get over the mess factor because it is so so so messy. It takes over an hour to clean my carpet every time we do it. I've got to figure out a smarter more preventative measure. Any suggestions? Aren't they so cute though, these future Picasso's and Cassat's.